Monday 28 May 2012


I was born in London, UK, in 1950. On my father's side, I can trace my ancestors to middle England, 400 years ago and my maternal grandparents were Londoners, but I have not yet traced them back any further. Despite this, I have always been considered 'foreign looking', not only in my own country, but everywhere else, except Turkey. My uncle was arrested during World War 2 on suspision of being an Italian spy, being in posession of thick black curly hair, a dark complexion and a bicycle.
I'm pretty sure my father's mother was Jewish which, although denied by family members, makes him Jewish, because if your mother is Jewish, you are Jewish. Fortunately for me, when my father was captured by the Nazis as a British soldier, they had no access to his family records. Otherwise I would not exist.
I heard on the radio that we British are 90% pre Roman in terms of DNA and that the invaders have only imposed a 10% overlay. Also, we can draw a line at 1940 being descendants of those born here as being British. That's fairly consistent with the definitive historical work '1066 and all that', which concludes that English history ends with the conclusion of World War 2. This was written before the Suez crisis, but is broadly correct.
We imported Indians to work in the car tyre industry because they could work in the high heat and humidy required to manufacture the stuff. The rationale for importing West Indians to work as bus conductors in London is a little less obvious, but the sad result is that bus conducters are no longer required, resulting in gangs of unemployed black youth roaming the the streets, armed with guns and knives, denims hanging at half mast and bombarding us white folks with rap, bling and attitude, plus increased street violence, burglary and muggings.
But that is not the worst of it. We can cope with disorganised, self destructive, in fighting dumb niggers. We built a dubious empire out of that. The bigger threat is semi intelligent eastern Europeans who know how to play the game to their own advantage and suck us UK tax payers dry. They lack culture, they have no clue about cricket and shout into their mobile phones in their own offensive languages with no regard for others.
I now have 'Kosovans' as neighbours. They are really Albanian economic refugees, encouraged by the likes of Paddy Ashdown as legitimate refugees from an oppressive Serbian persecution.
They are not bad people, but their peasant Albanian culture is not compatible with mine. My attempts to educate them in the concept of a garden is hard work, not helped by the fact that the landlords of the rented property are Indians, whose concept of a low maintenance garden is concrete.
It could get even worse. Somalis.
I fear I am becoming legend.

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